A formal academic structure, in which four to five years are required to build professional skills and work ethic in students, every curricular program could become obsolete while the student is coursing his career.
Everywhere, we are following an illusion and facing the end of the world as we know it, because no jobs will be there to be found, other than those jobs in which you will need to think, and to feel.
“We want peace only as an idea, but not as an actuality. We want peace on the verbal level which is only on the thinking level, though we proudly call it the intellectual level. But the word peace is not peace. Peace can only be when the confusion which you and another make ceases.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The false two-dimensional duality of the left-right brain paradigm has usually built more blocks to creative and pragmatic processes than solutions. Creativity is multi-dimensional.
To understand color we need to understand how we perceive it. Visible light is only a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, obviously -“what we can see”. But how do we see?