Robots are taking over. The singularity moment is approaching fast and everything is becoming old way too fast for anyone to adapt to what it known as “an evolving market”.
The peculiar paradox of this evolving market is that it’s gradually leaving everyone out, workers and consumers alike. The evolution of humanity is taking us to a place of Interaction, Yet Isolation (IYIX)®, Connection, Yet Loneliness (CYL)®, a place with a lot of Friends-You-Never-Really-See (FYNRS)® and who like or dislike stuff published there that might be both true-and-false (Alt-Facts) (DT). Reality competes with fiction and lies in this dystopian virtual place, in which people are without anything really original to say, or do, passively swiping their life away in their cell phones.
Then, the Ever Evolving Market (EVM)® is always hungry for “agile” professionals who should already know what the next big thing is, especially if everyone is talking about it, although no one really knows what it is or what they are talking about. Design becomes Branding and Branding becomes Branded User Experience, a series of same things continuously re-naming and re-branding themselves to look in tune with the vapor fashion statement of times.
In the meantime, people are voting for politicians who promise they will bring the good ol’ times back, in which people burned carbon fuel, gulped hundreds of gallons of gas in their huge cars and wasted the environment while soldering stuff, to say the least. All brought to you by reacting social networks that place users in a matrix of ideological bubbles, according to what seems to be the predictable preferences of each digitized person.
Education today faces the challenge of atomization. People are looking for fast-track, on-demand, instant-gratification certified learning experiences that will secure them jobs at the end. Everywhere, we are following an illusion and facing the end of the world as we know it, because no jobs will be there to be found, other than those jobs in which you will need to think, and to feel.
That’s right, jobs in which actual human beings deal with human issues. Jobs in which compassion and insight are key. Jobs in which you actually need to relate to other people. Jobs in which less calculation and more ingenuity are needed. Jobs in which imagination relate to who we are. Let the robots do the menial repetitive jobs they do best. Jobs that stop trusting algorithms that tag people in statistical figures instead of looking beyond and inside. Jobs in which looking in to someone’s eye and getting an emotional response give meaning to all that matters, which is being human. Jobs in which manufacture’s value comes from the fact of something being handmade instead of machine made. The future will go from User Experience (UX) to Human Experience (HX). From a consumer society in which we buy black slates of glass and silicone to dominate our interactions, into a society of real, close and personal interaction.
Those who realize this might have the fortune of surviving the bursting of the next absurd techno bubble that is being blown in our faces out of all proportion.
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